Winter can present several ways hazardous materials may become a concern in buildings, especially older structures or during construction and renovation projects. Here are five hazardous materials commonly present in a building during winter, and understand the importance of hazardous materials consultants for safe construction practices.

#1: Asbestos

Asbestos once hailed for its fire-resistant and insulating properties, is now infamous for its health risks. When asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) deteriorate or are disturbed, tiny asbestos fibres can become airborne and be inhaled, leading to severe health issues like lung cancer and mesothelioma.

Common Building Materials Containing Asbestos in Winter:

  • Insulation materials, including pipe and duct insulation.
  • Roofing materials such as shingles and siding.
  • Flooring materials like vinyl tiles and linoleum.
  • Textured paints and popcorn ceilings.

Asbestos Testing & Removal with Hazardous Materials Consultants

  • Inspection and Testing: Consultants begin by conducting thorough inspections of the building to identify asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), which involves examining insulation materials, roofing materials, flooring, and textured paints. They may also collect samples for laboratory testing to confirm the presence of asbestos.
  • Risk Assessment: After asbestos testing, consultants assess these materials’ condition and potential risk. Not all ACMs pose an immediate threat; their condition and location are key factors in determining the level of risk.
  • Management Plans: Consultants develop asbestos management plans outlining strategies for safely controlling or removing ACMs, which may include encapsulation (sealing), enclosure (isolating), or abatement (removal) procedures.
lead test

#2: Lead-Based Paint

Lead-based paint, widely used until the late 1970s, poses significant health risks, especially to children. Lead exposure can result in developmental delays, cognitive impairments, and other serious health issues.

Common Building Materials Containing Lead-Based Paint in Winter:

  • Interior and exterior walls.
  • Window frames and sills.
  • Baseboards and doorframes.
  • Railings and banisters.

Lead Testing & Removal with Hazardous Materials Consultants

  • Inspection and Testing: Consultants inspect older buildings, especially those constructed before 1978, when lead-based paint was commonly used. They may use specialized X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers or collect paint chip samples for laboratory analysis.
  • Risk Assessment: Hazardous materials consultants assess the condition of lead-based paint and whether it poses a risk of lead exposure, especially to children and pregnant women.
  • Abatement Plans: If lead-based paint is found and poses a risk after lead testing, consultants develop abatement plans to remove or encapsulate lead-containing materials safely. These plans include specific work procedures and protective measures.
  • Worker Training: Consultants ensure that workers involved in lead abatement receive proper training and use personal protective equipment (PPE) to minimize exposure.

#3: Mold

Mold growth is a common problem in building materials during winter due to moisture buildup. Mold can trigger allergies and respiratory issues in sensitive individuals, and some types of mould are toxigenic, producing mycotoxins that can be harmful.

Common Building Materials Susceptible to Mold in Winter:

  • Insulation materials.
  • Drywall, especially if exposed to moisture.
  • Wooden structures and framing.
  • Carpeting and padding in damp areas.

Mould Testing & Removal with Hazardous Materials Consultants

  • Assessment: Consultants assess the extent of mold growth and identify the type of mold present. They also determine the underlying causes of moisture intrusion and poor ventilation that led to mold development.
  • Remediation Plans: Consultants develop mold remediation plans outlining the necessary steps for safely removing and preventing mold growth. It includes moisture control measures and containment procedures.
  • Testing: After remediation, consultants conduct post-remediation mold testing to ensure mold levels have returned to acceptable levels.
  • Prevention Strategies: Consultants provide recommendations to prevent future mold growth, including improved ventilation, moisture control, and building maintenance.

#4: Formaldehyde

Formaldehyde, a chemical compound used in various building materials, can off-gas volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that lead to respiratory and eye irritation. Prolonged exposure to elevated formaldehyde levels can result in more severe health effects.

Common Building Materials Containing Formaldehyde in Winter:

  • Particleboard and pressed wood products.
  • Composite materials used in cabinetry.
  • Insulation materials.
  • Some paints and adhesives.

How Hazardous Materials Consultants Handle Formaldehyde

  • Assessment: Consultants assess the indoor air quality and conduct testing to measure formaldehyde levels in buildings with suspected formaldehyde-containing materials.
  • Ventilation Recommendations: They recommend improving ventilation to reduce formaldehyde concentrations indoors.
  • Material Identification: Consultants identify formaldehyde-containing materials, especially in particleboard, pressed wood products, paints, and adhesives.
  • Mitigation: Consultants offer strategies for reducing formaldehyde exposure, including replacing materials or applying sealants to reduce off-gassing.

#5: Radon

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can seep into homes through cracks or gaps in the foundation. Long-term exposure to elevated radon levels indoors is a significant health concern and a leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers.

Common Building Materials Vulnerable to Radon Entry in Winter:

  • Gaps and openings in the foundation.
  • Cracks or gaps in walls or floors.
  • Unsealed gaps around pipes and conduits.
  • Basements and crawlspaces.

How Hazardous Materials Consultants Handle Radon

  • Testing: Hazardous materials consultants test radon using specialized equipment to measure indoor radon levels. They also identify potential entry points for radon gas.
  • Mitigation Plans: Consultants develop radon mitigation plans if elevated radon levels are detected. These plans typically involve installing radon mitigation systems, such as sub-slab depressurization or ventilation systems.
  • Post-Mitigation Testing: After mitigation system installation, consultants conduct post-mitigation testing to ensure that radon levels have been effectively reduced.
  • Monitoring: Consultants may recommend ongoing radon monitoring to ensure long-term effectiveness.

Maintain Health & Safety with Hazardous Materials Consultants

When working with building materials in winter, it’s essential to consider the potential presence of hazardous materials that can jeopardize the health and safety of those involved in construction or renovation projects. A thorough understanding of these materials and their risks is crucial for responsible construction practices. Additionally, seeking guidance from hazardous materials consultants is advisable, as they can identify, assess, and manage these risks effectively. By prioritizing safety and informed decision-making, we can ensure that winter building projects are completed efficiently and healthfully.

Alberta Safety & Environmental Services (ASE Services) is one of the most reputable providers of Hazardous materials assessment and hygiene inspection services—including asbestos, lead, mould, mercury, and silica detection, as well as industrial hygiene testing for grow ops and other facilities. With a background in Alberta’s Occupational Health & Safety Commission and professional project management skills, our qualified staff can provide reliable handling of air quality and industrial hygiene from initial industrial inspection all the way to remediation programs. Whether just for a permit, or in-depth air quality control, we can help. Feel free to reach out and secure air quality and hygiene requirements for your building.

Maintaining a safe work environment requires a proactive approach to hazard reporting. Promptly reporting hazards in the workplace not only ensures employee safety but also helps organizations comply with regulations and mitigate risks effectively. This blog post will explore why reporting hazards is essential and how engaging hazardous materials consultants can further enhance safety measures.

Safety Precautions

Preventing Workplace Accidents

Promptly reporting hazards plays a vital role in preventing workplace accidents. By reporting potential dangers, employees contribute to identifying and assessing risks. It enables employers to take immediate action, implementing appropriate control measures to mitigate the hazards. With their expertise in assessing and managing risks associated with hazardous substances, hazardous materials consultants can provide valuable insights and guidance in implementing effective control measures to prevent accidents.

Mitigating Health Risks

Reporting hazards is crucial for mitigating health risks in the workplace. Many hazards, such as exposure to toxic chemicals or airborne contaminants like asbestos, mould, or silica, can adversely affect employees. By reporting such hazards, employees enable employers to assess the risks, implement necessary control measures, and provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to minimize health risks. Hazardous materials consultants can assist in conducting comprehensive assessments such as hazardous materials assessments to identify potential health hazards and suggest appropriate control measures to protect employee health.

Ensuring Compliance with Regulations 

It’s not only good practice to report hazards in the workplace – doing so is a legal requirement. According to the Alberta government, “As a worker, you must immediately tell your employer or supervisor about any hazards in the workplace. You must report the dangerous condition or danger to health and safety to your employer, supervisor or another person designated by the employer or supervisor so they can take action to address the situation.” 

By reporting hazards, organizations demonstrate their commitment to maintaining a safe work environment and fulfilling their obligations under the law. Hazardous materials consultants can assist organizations in complying with specific regulations. For instance, having them conduct hazardous materials assessments to ensure safe handling, storage, and disposal, ensuring all necessary protocols and procedures are followed.

Enhancing Safety Communication & Culture

You promote a safer, communicative workplace culture by reporting hazards. When employees are encouraged to report hazards, it creates an environment where safety concerns are valued and addressed. This open communication allows for identifying recurring hazards or emerging safety issues, leading to more informed decision-making. Additionally, involving hazardous materials consultants in safety discussions and hazard reporting reinforces the importance of safety culture, as they bring specialized knowledge and expertise to the table, helping organizations develop comprehensive safety strategies.

Continuous Improvement & Risk Management 

Reporting hazards contributes to continuous improvement and effective risk management. By reporting hazards, employees provide valuable information that aids in analyzing trends and patterns. This data allows organizations to implement preventive measures, refine processes, and enhance risk management strategies. Engaging hazardous materials consultants in the hazard reporting process enables organizations to access their specialized knowledge in identifying and managing risks associated with hazardous materials. This collaborative effort drives ongoing safety improvements, reduces incidents, and ensures that risk mitigation measures are up-to-date and effective.

Final Thoughts 

It’s a crucial responsibility for everyone to report hazards in the workplace, and it benefits both employees and organizations. Engaging hazardous materials consultants adds another layer of expertise to the hazard reporting process, allowing organizations to manage risks associated with hazardous materials effectively. By fostering a culture that encourages and values hazard reporting, organizations create a safer work environment, protect employee well-being, and promote a culture of safety that prioritizes continuous improvement and proactive risk management.

Alberta Safety & Environmental Services (ASE Services) is one of the most reputable providers of Hazardous materials assessment and hygiene inspection services—including asbestos, lead, mould, mercury, and silica detection, as well as industrial hygiene testing for grow ops and other facilities. With a background in Alberta’s Occupational Health & Safety Commission and professional project management skills, our qualified staff can provide reliable handling of air quality and industrial hygiene from initial industrial inspection all the way to remediation programs. Whether just for a permit, or in-depth air quality control, we can help. Feel free to reach out and secure air quality and hygiene requirements for your building.

A hazardous risk and safety assessment is vital for identifying potential dangers in the workplace and implementing appropriate measures to mitigate them. By having hazardous materials consultants conduct a comprehensive review, employers can safeguard the health and well-being of their employees, comply with Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) regulations, and create a safer work environment. This blog post will outline the steps in conducting a hazardous risk and safety assessment, providing valuable insights for employers and safety professionals.

Hazardous risk and safety assessment

Step #1 – Identify Hazards

The first step in conducting a hazardous risk and safety assessment is identifying potential workplace hazards. It thoroughly examines the physical environment, equipment, materials, processes, and work practices. Consider factors such as chemical substances, machinery, electrical systems, ergonomic conditions, and potential sources of fire or explosions. Engage with employees, supervisors, and safety representatives to gather their input and observations on potential hazards. Additionally, consult relevant regulations, industry standards, and best practices to ensure comprehensive hazard identification.

Step #2 – Assess Risks

Once hazards are identified, the next step is to assess the associated risks. Evaluate the likelihood and severity of each hazard, considering factors such as frequency of exposure, potential harm to individuals, and possible consequences. This assessment helps prioritize risks and allocate resources effectively. Risk assessment tools, such as risk matrices or qualitative/quantitative analysis methods, are used to quantify and rank risks. Assign numerical values or categories to likelihood and severity to determine the overall risk level. This step enables the identification of high-risk areas that require immediate attention and the implementation of appropriate control measures.

Step #3 – Implement Control Measures

After identifying and assessing risks, it is crucial to implement control measures to minimize or eliminate hazards. Start with the hierarchy of controls, which includes elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment (PPE). Depending on the nature of the hazards, control measures can involve modifying work processes, implementing safety protocols, providing training, installing safety equipment, or improving ventilation systems. Engage employees and safety representatives to ensure their involvement in the implementation process and foster a safety culture within the organization.

Step #4 – Regular Monitoring & Review

A hazardous risk and safety assessment is an ongoing process. Regular monitoring and review are essential to ensure the effectiveness of control measures and identify any new hazards or changing circumstances. Conduct inspections, audits, and observations to assess compliance with safety protocols and identify areas for improvement. Encourage employees to report near-misses, incidents, or concerns regarding safety. Review incident reports, analyze trends, and take corrective actions promptly. Stay updated with regulatory requirements and industry advancements to enhance safety practices continuously. Incorporate feedback from employees and safety professionals to refine control measures and maintain a proactive approach to workplace safety.

Step #5 – Engage Hazardous Materials Consultants

Engaging qualified hazardous materials consultants can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your hazardous risk and safety assessment. These professionals possess in-depth knowledge of chemical hazards, regulatory compliance, and industry best practices. They can conduct specialized assessments, such as air quality monitoring, exposure or hazardous materials assessments. For example, after hazardous materials assessments, they can provide guidance on implementing appropriate control measures, assist with employee training programs, and help develop emergency response plans. Their expertise ensures a comprehensive evaluation of risks and the implementation of tailored solutions, ultimately enhancing the safety culture and minimizing the potential for accidents or occupational illnesses.

Final Thoughts

Conducting a hazardous risk and safety assessment is essential for maintaining a safe work environment. Employers can protect their employees and meet regulatory requirements by identifying hazards, assessing risks, implementing control measures, and regularly monitoring and reviewing safety practices. Engaging hazardous materials consultants adds valuable expertise to the assessment process, ensuring comprehensive evaluations and tailored solutions.

Alberta Safety & Environmental Services (ASE Services) is one of the most reputable providers of Hazardous materials assessment and hygiene inspection services—including asbestos, lead, mould, mercury, and silica detection, as well as industrial hygiene testing for grow ops and other facilities. With a background in Alberta’s Occupational Health & Safety Commission and professional project management skills, our qualified staff can provide reliable handling of air quality and industrial hygiene from initial industrial inspection all the way to remediation programs. Whether just for a permit, or in-depth air quality control, we can help. Feel free to reach out and secure air quality and hygiene requirements for your building.

A safe and healthy work environment is crucial for employees’ well-being and any organization’s overall success. However, all hazardous materials consultants can tell you that workplaces are not devoid of risks and hazards. Understanding these risks and hazards is the first step toward effectively addressing and mitigating them. This blog post will explore common workplace risks and hazards and their characteristics and provide insights into creating a safer work environment.

Types of Hazards Checked By Hazardous Materials Consultants

Hazards Checked By Hazardous Materials

Physical Hazards

Physical hazards are among the most visible and easily recognizable risks in the workplace. They include slips, trips, and falls resulting from wet or cluttered floors, uneven surfaces, or inadequate lighting. Improperly maintained equipment, machinery, or tools can also threaten employee safety. Employers should regularly inspect their premises to identify and address physical hazards promptly. Implementing proper signage, providing personal protective equipment (PPE), getting noise assessments done, and establishing clear equipment maintenance and storage protocols can significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents.

Chemical Hazards

Chemical hazards are prevalent in various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and laboratories. These hazards involve exposure to harmful substances such as toxic gases, corrosive liquids, or hazardous materials. Workers who handle or come into contact with chemicals without appropriate protection are at risk of adverse health effects. For instance, if materials such as lead, mercury, or PCB exist in your workplace, they can be a hazard if not identified and controlled early on. 

Employers need to provide comprehensive training on handling and storing chemicals safely. The first step to tackling chemical hazards is via hazardous materials assessments. Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) states that hazardous materials within a workspace be identified and properly controlled. Hazardous materials assessments ensure you address them by implementing proper ventilation systems, utilizing personal protective equipment, or establishing protocols for safe chemical handling, storage, and disposal, which are critical steps in mitigating chemical hazards.

Biological Hazards

Biological hazards are present in workplaces where employees are exposed to bacteria, viruses, mould, or other microorganisms. Industries such as healthcare, laboratories, and agriculture often face these risks. Biological hazards include exposure to bloodborne pathogens, airborne diseases, or hazardous animal waste. Implementing infection control measures, providing appropriate vaccines and protective clothing, and educating employees about proper hygiene practices can help minimize the risk of biological hazards. Regular cleaning and disinfection of work areas and proper waste management are also vital in preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

Ergonomic Hazards

Ergonomic hazards arise from improper workstation design, repetitive tasks, or poor posture. These hazards can result in musculoskeletal disorders, including back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, or strains. Employers should assess workstations and make adjustments to ensure ergonomic comfort and promote good posture. Providing ergonomic furniture and adjustable equipment and encouraging regular breaks and stretching exercises can help mitigate ergonomic hazards. Training employees on proper lifting techniques and promoting awareness of ergonomic principles are crucial to creating a safer work environment.

Psychological Hazards

Psychological or psychosocial hazards impact employees’ mental health and well-being. These hazards include excessive work demands, workplace violence, bullying, or inadequate support systems. Such hazards can result from high-stress levels, burnout, and decreased productivity. Employers should prioritize employee mental health by fostering a supportive work culture, providing resources for stress management, and promoting work-life balance. Open communication channels, conflict resolution mechanisms, and employee assistance programs can help address and mitigate psychological hazards.

Final Thoughts

Recognizing workplace risks and hazards is essential for creating a safe and healthy work environment. By understanding the characteristics of physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, and psychological hazards, employers can implement appropriate measures to mitigate risks, like conducting hazardous materials assessments, which can protect employee well-being. Regular risk assessments from hazardous materials consultants, comprehensive training, proper maintenance protocols, and the provision of necessary protective equipment are crucial elements in minimizing workplace hazards. Prioritizing employee safety ensures a healthier workforce and increases productivity and organizational success.

Alberta Safety & Environmental Services (ASE Services) is one of the most reputable providers of Hazardous materials assessment and hygiene inspection services—including asbestos, lead, mould, mercury, and silica detection, as well as industrial hygiene testing for grow ops and other facilities. With a background in Alberta’s Occupational Health & Safety Commission and professional project management skills, our qualified staff can provide reliable handling of air quality and industrial hygiene from initial industrial inspection all the way to remediation programs. Whether just for a permit, or in-depth air quality control, we can help. Feel free to reach out and secure air quality and hygiene requirements for your building.

1. Drywall

I am sure that everyone has mentioned this one before, and for good reason. Drywall, or the joint compound which is used to seal drywall is the number one major culprit for asbestos in the home. Before we knew that asbestos was horrible for us, asbestos was added to the mudding to improve strength and flame resistance. Whether it’s patching up a small hole or remodeling your entire main floor it’s best to get your drywall tested by a professional asbestos inspector at ASE Services.


Drywall image

2. Ceiling Texture


Love it or hate it (I don’t know a single person who loves it) ceiling texture is a staple in homes built before the 80’s. Almost everyone I know that’s buying an old home wants to get rid of this stuff. Worst part is, lots of times these textures were applied as spray on asbestos insulation. If you’re thinking about purchasing an older property and want to get rid of the popcorn ceiling, it’s best to contact the professionals at ASE Services and confirm if you’re dealing with asbestos.

Ceiling-Texture image

3. Vermiculite Insulation

Often found in attics, vermiculite insulation is a mineral that looks a lot like tiny bits of gravel and was used in the 1960’s-1980’s to insulate homes. Although the vermiculite itself does not contain asbestos, the mineral was mined in the same open pit as asbestos, causing the insulation to become contaminated. Given that new, old, contaminated, and safe vermiculite are identical it’s best avoids disturbing the material yourself and call an inspector at ASE Services to sample the material.


4. Flooring


When you step into an old home built before the 1980’s and see four different types of flooring, you already know you are in for a few renovations. Whether it is vinyl sheet flooring or ceramic tile, the material along with the adhesive can contain deadly asbestos fibers. Often in older homes, previous renovations were conducted by placing new flooring on top of old flooring, like a morbid crepe cake of sorts. This often leads to homeowners discovering multiple layers of flooring mid renovation. When you come across any old flooring make sure to give a professional asbestos inspector at ASE Services a call.

Floortile image

5. Caulking


Asbestos being both waterproof, fireproof, and extremely durable made it the perfect material to be used for window caulking. Like other asbestos containing material, the fibers cannot be released into the air unless the caulking is damaged and requires removal. If you are thinking about replacing those old heat leaking windows it is best to have an asbestos inspection done by ASE Services on any suspect areas.


6. Roofing and Vinyl


As we have discussed previously, asbestos is a material that is both waterproof, fireproof, and durable, essentially a perfect material to be used on the exterior of homes. Whether it is stucco, siding, or roof tile, asbestos could have been used to reinforce those materials. Whenever you are unsure, contact ASE Services to grab a sample for analysis before proceeding with demolition.

Roof Image

7. Pipe Insulation


Often Asbestos pipe wrap is a paper-like material located on older pipe elbows and connective joints. Like all asbestos containing material, left undisturbed pose no threat. But how many people do we know have had a pipe burst in the spring. The constant heating and cooling of water in pipes can often lead to cracking. When you run into a situation where you might need to replace your old pipes give ASE Services a call so we can test to see if there is any asbestos.


According to a recent KPMG Poll: 72% of millennials say that their goal is to own a home, but 46% say that this is a pipe dream. With the steady decline in home prices as well as increased first-time buyer incentives this pipe dream might just turn into a reality. Nevertheless, buying your first home is an extremely huge undertaking.


Now imagine this: you have checked over all your finances, gotten approved for your mortgage and now you are ready to start house hunting! You come across this beautiful small two-story home located in a well-established neighborhood. Everything is perfect, you are even considering a few small renovations! However, the year the home was built: 1975. Uh oh. Then you remember that one time you heard about Asbestos.


What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a cancer-causing mineral used in many common building materials between the 1940’s and 1970s. Virtually indestructible and non-flammable, Asbestos saw a huge rise in popularity and could be found in many different building materials such as:


  • Drywall
  • Floor-tile
  • Wall and Texture
  • Ceiling Tile
  • Vermiculite

Left undisturbed Asbestos is harmless and will not become airborne. But I already know what you are thinking when you see 4 different floor tiles and popcorn ceiling, trust me we have all been there. Whether it is renovation, emergency response to flood, or getting rid of it for safety reasons, removing and disposing asbestos safely and legally is a huge undertaking. The cost of asbestos removal can reach upwards of $15,000. That number is not something that lots of first-time buyer account for.


Aren’t Asbestos tests generally included in home inspections?
Short answer is no, not often. Although some home inspectors may be trained in identifying asbestos, but most do not have the qualification to do so. Often when asked they will generally contract this work out to a hygienist or environmental consultant. Our suggestion is, if you are in Alberta looking into purchasing a house built prior to the 1980’s give us a call and we’ll see what we can do.

Remember, it is always better to be safe and prepared before taking that leap into home ownership.

Since opening its doors in Calgary in 2005, ASE Services has successfully launched offices in Edmonton and Lethbridge. Now we are excited to announce that ASE Services has a new office in Red Deer, Alberta located at 4915 – 54 Street.


John MacDonald, CEO of ASE Services, says “We feel it is important to offer businesses in Red Deer and Central Alberta as an alternative to the current environmental health and safety companies in the area. We have earned an excellent reputation because of the level of service and expertise that we provide for our clients. We work with our customers to achieve their project goals.”


ASE Services offers the following extensive list of hazardous materials and hygiene consulting services:


Project Management

  • Identify Hazardous Materials (ie: Asbestos, Mould, Lead, PCB’s, etc)
  • Develop a Building Management Plan to Prevent or Control Occupant Exposure
  • Create Scope of Work and Tender Package for Renovation or Demolition Work
  • Contractor Walkthroughs, Selection, and Hiring
  • Air Monitoring, Inspections, and Procedural Review During Project
  • Project Close-out – Final Package Including all Clearances Necessary for Re-occupancy or Disposal


Hazardous Building Materials Assessments/Surveys


  • Phase I Environmental Assessments
  • Phase II Environmental Assessments
  • Hazardous Materials Surveys (ie: Asbestos, Mould, Lead, PCB’s, etc)
  • Grow-op Remediation Assessments


Industrial Hygiene Services (Testing for Worker Exposure to Hazardous Contaminants)


  • Oil & Gas
  • Construction
  • Industrial
  • Commercial


Indoor Air Quality Monitoring


  • Asbestos, Mould, CO, CO2, Relative Humidity, VOCs, etc




  • Asbestos Worker Certification Course
  • Awareness Courses (Asbestos, Mould, Confined and Restricted Space, TDG)
  • Client Specific Safety Training (Due Diligence, Safety Program Development, Roles and Responsibilities)


Contact Us today at 587-377-8977 or toll free at 1-877-520-0963 to assist with your project.

Mould is a common issue around the world. However, there are some cities, or climates that have better conditions to harvest mould growth. Unfortunately Alberta and more specifically, Calgary and Edmonton are two cities that experience extremely cold winters and hot summers – perfect conditions for mould growth.

These cold winters and hot summers contribute to the creation a perfect environment for mould. When ice and frost are on your windows they create moisture that often seeps down your walls. With winter often lasting over four months this can lead to entire walls being warped with mould.

Cold conditions also cause issues with pipes. With cold weather pipes can burst or break and leak moisture into the home without you even noticing. This leakage can also create a perfect environment for mould. The best way to deal with moisture in your home or office is to have an air quality specialist investigate the quality of air to ensure you are not being exposed to mould. To read more of the article Calgary Home Inspectors: Why Mold Is More Likely to Occur in Calgary follow the link

It is hard to manage the unknown, so managers first must know the hazardous materials present in their departments and facilities, including quantities and locations.


Managers can achieve this goal through an audit of hazardous materials. Managers can start by having employees generate a list of chemicals purchased for use in the department, perform a walkthrough inspection of the department, and focus on storage areas, tool kits, and carts. Once inspectors have identified chemicals, managers can get material safety data sheets (MSDS) and review them to determine if the chemicals are hazardous.


This review should ensure:

• Labels clearly identify original product names or full chemical names and hazards
• Containers of non-hazardous substances, such as water, are labelled explicitly to avoid confusion
• Incompatible chemicals, including solids, are segregated by U.S. Department of Transportation hazard classes at a minimum
• All segregated chemicals — liquids — are kept in secondary containment
• No hazardous materials are stored next to or above sinks
• All chemical containers are capped and sealed, except when workers are adding or removing materials from them
• Flammable liquids, including flammable liquid wastes, are stored outside of a storage cabinet if more than 5-10 gallons
• Employees have completed hazard-communication training
• Full-size compressed-gas cylinders are chained or strapped in a one-third, two-thirds manner.

Managers also should identify chemicals in containers, including pipes, as well as chemicals generated during maintenance operations.

Organizations in various industries use hazardous materials regularly. With the use of hazardous materials comes the concern of proper storage of these materials. They need to be stored in a methodical manner in which management and staff alike are able to determine which materials are stored where, how long they have been there and what they are used for.


Above simply complying and meeting provincial or federal set regulations, management should keep track of all materials they have on site and specifically those that may present health risks to employees or customers if stored improperly. Basic ideas to achieve safety with hazardous materials are outlined in the article below and include ideas such as; labelling all containers, keeping all hazardous materials away from sinks or drains and have all employees educated in handling the materials. Understanding the importance of proper handling and care of hazardous materials is imperative to the health and safety of employees and customers.


To read the article and management tips on dealing with hazardous materials in the workplace, click the link below:–9170